Well, the figures are in, and it is indeed confirmed that the little undead President that could has shattered the skull of the previous record-setting design at Teefury and feasted on it's brains! ZOMBAMA sold very near 3 times as many shirts as their previous record-holding seller, which was a tremendous surprise to me, and a nice little publicity machine, as it's increased traffic to my blog and spawned numerous links and forum posts throughout the interweb!
Thanks much to Jimiyo over at TeeFury, whose idea it was to go with the ZOMBAMA design in the first place. Also, extra thanks to all of you who ordered a shirt (or several) or just dropped by to offer support and cheers. Don't forget to send pictures of you wearing your ZOMBAMA shirts in inappropriate places (or just out in public). I might have some prizes for the best photo...
As far as further Presidential-themed projects, I've got potentially sweet TAFT and LINCOLN designs in the works. Of course, I could try to build on the success of this by doing more zombie Presidents. Who's up for a Zombie-Polk design?
By the way, I don't know who's responsible for this, but I love you whomever you are! You can now follow Zombama on Twitter! Check out his twitter feed for updates on what America's favorite zombie-President is up to and gain access to his innermost thoughts!
I've been contacted by quite a few people who missed the 24-hour sale at TeeFury and want to know if they can get the shirts from me. Well, the answer is probably no. I ordered a few extra (TeeFury limits 3 shirts per customer), but I don't have a stock of the shirts in my possession. I'm considering having them screenprinted elsewhere so I have some to sell, which I may do. If that happens, I'll let you know here. In the meanwhile, if you can't wait and you need your ZOMBAMA stuff right now, you can head to my CAFEPRESS SHOP and order them there. They would not accept the red and blue color version (as it was apparently too close to the Shepard Fairy piece for their lawyers' comfort), but you can find the zombie-green and green weathered color versions on a variety of merchandise. Buyer beware, though -- I haven't ordered any of that merchandise from CafePress, so I cannot vouch for their quality. They do offer a money-back guarantee, though, I believe, so order away if you feel comfortable doing so.
Of course you knocked them out of the park. Was there ever really any doubt? The record you set is incredible! Congrats!
Yo congrats on the sales man! Keep grindin'!
Congrats, my buddy in Australia wants one. Print more !!!!
did you ever receive your shirts?
leonardhatred -- no, I haven't gotten the shirts yet. Should be soon -- I know they had some delays from such an unexpectedly huge number of shirts they had to run. Rest assured, I'll put a post up as soon as they're in!
And the second run of the shirt should be coming soon for all of you who missed out the first time.
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