Just finished inking my UGLY STICK t-shirt design. As with most of my work, the pencils have been printed out as a blue-line image on bristol board and inked with about 95% brush and ink and 5% pen.
For inked illustrations, I'll sometimes ink a separate color-hold layer to use as a map for the flat shading and/or highlighting. This is a scan of the shading inks for this piece...

This gets scanned in and layered underneath the lineart, like so...

It gives me a nice hand-drawn lighting template so I don't have to mess around with lassos and paintbrush tools quite as much and it prevents the whole thing from coming off as "too-digital".
Preparing to scan and color right now. More soon!
how do you print on bristol?
Looking good! I do the same thing, except I print my linework on bristol/cardstock for markerwork instead of inks. :)
Its so nice when you don't have to trace/worry about duplicating linework.
Well, James, I just cut the bristol to fit my printer (I can print up to 13"x19") and feed it through. If the sheet is too thick to bend and feed through the front, there's a straight feed through the back that can be used for thicker sheets and boards (but not too thick).
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