Okay, I've gotten the okay and confirmation, so here's one of the exciting things coming up next week from your fiendly neighborhood Pop-Monkey. I was recently contacted by the very cool and incredibly talented artist and t-shirt designer Jimiyo who informed me that the also-cool t-shirt website TEEFURY (they sell a fine new shirt every day for just $9!) was interested in printing and selling my soon-to-be-cult-hit ZOMBAMA design! It's scheduled to be available for sale starting March 30th at midnight and running through midnight on the next day. That's only 24-hours to buy as many ZOMBAMA shirts as you can get your supple little hands on! My mom has already committed to buying an even hundred, and you're not going to let her show you up again, are you? 'Cause that last time was just shameful!
Anyway, I'll give everybody the high-sign the minute the shirt goes on sale, but consider this your advance warning. I'm including a sneak-peek of the shirts provided by Jimiyo so you can bask in their splendor and start donating organs for cash. Hey, don't be cheap -- THEY'RE ONLY NINE BUCKS! Do the right thing and make sure my daughter gets some peanut butter with her bread this month.

As a little teaser, my next "surprise" also involves zombies and t-shirts... more to on that later next week.
Sir, you have successfully tickled my nether regions, and perhaps even given me a small chubby. Count in for a shirt.
I don't think you should be allowed to have a shirt, you sick freak! And, hey, don't blame me for your small parts -- God made it that way, and you've got to do the best you can with what you've got, right?
Seriously, thanks, Sean... I think. Shirts go on sale in... 3 hours!
using your kids to sell t-shirts...
I'll buy a gross! (but seriously) I want one. I'm watching the clock.
Adam --
Hey, it was her idea, I swear! At least that's what her rehearsed script says, should Social Services come a-knockin'...
Just 1 more hour...
Ok, I'm an idiot. It's March 30th that the shirt goes on sale, not tonight. I don't know how I got my wires crossed like that -- just excited, I guess. Anyway, I've edited the post to reflect the correction. Hey, this gives everyone more time to save your pennies to buy more shirts. Get your Christmas shopping done early!
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