SPECTRUM is (in a quote from their website) an annual publication "established in 1993 by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner with the intent of providing creators with a regular showcase for the best fantasy, science fiction, horror, and otherwise uncategorizable artwork created each year." I've been a fan of SPECTRUM for many many years, and their annual book release is eagerly anticipated by myself and many other artists. I remember back in art school, the day after SPECTRUM hit the shelves, the students would be swarming around whomever brought their copy to class, eager to see if any of their peers made it in, or just looking for some exciting inspiration.
I was always a bit envious of my fellows who were accepted for publication each year. Some of them had such wonderful painted pieces, and painting just isn't my forte yet. The reason I hadn't submitted before was not only that the deadline seemed to sneak up on me too quickly (or go completely unnoticed), but that I really never felt that my work was up to par for consideration. I still don't feel that way, but at least this year, I had plenty of notice (it helps to actually get on their mailing list), and a (very) few pieces that I wouldn't be absolutely embarrassed to send in. I ended up submitting 3 pieces, and I'm not sure which one made it or if more than one made it (NOTE: the attached illustration was NOT done by me, that's the Call For Entries poster painted by industry darling Peter de Seve). I guess I'll find out soon! The book is due to be published later this year.

congrats! that's awesome.
Aaah Come on. Don't beat yourself up like that. You should be excited! Congrats!
Oh, don't get me wrong, Alejandro -- I'm thrilled and grateful for being chosen! Getting in SPECTRUM is fantastic exposure. I just feel vastly inferior to the majority of the artists that will be featured in the book -- and I am, don't get me wrong. They certainly can't be faulted for not covering a wide spectrum (see what I did there?) of artists.
I see what you did there. You made a not-funny. Don't belittle yourself. You got mad, crazy skilz. Don't try to be original, don't try to be great, just be Pop-Monkey. That is the artist they choose and for good reason! Congratulations are in order! Were I there, I'd buy you a beer. I can mail you one, but not sure you'd want to open it for a few months.
I'm really proud of you, man! I'll be getting about three copies!
Thanks for all the kind words, guys.
"Robin" -- I will continue to try to be Pop-Monkey. Go ahead and mail that beer -- then I can check off another item on my list of "things to do before I die": "Receive beer in the mail".
And you don't have to buy more than one copy of the book -- it's not like I make any money off the thing.
Congratulations! I'm honored to be be in those pages with you.
nice watercolourin' going on here...
the doodlers --
Read the post carefully -- that watercolor is not one of mine. It's by Peter deSeve, a terrific artist whose work you should definitely check out. Not sure if you're mistakenly assigning the work to me, but just wanted to make that clear.
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