Sunday, June 10, 2007


My first T-shirt design featured in my online store, POP-MONKEY STUFF!! The site my store is hosted by is PRINTFECTION.COM, and they do Digital Transfer printing, which means they can do one shirt at a time to fill indivudual orders, but it ends up costing more, so my profit margin is drastically less than if I'd have them screenprinted.

However, I DID have them screenprinted (at least the greenish design, for now), but I haven't received the order yet to see how they turned out. I wanted to have some on-hand to sell at the upcoming HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC, rather than just pointing people to the Printfection store. The screenprinting costs allow me to sell the shirts a bit cheaper and make more money per shirt, but each color used in the printing boosts the cost, so I have to keep it low (this is a 4-color design), whereas with the Digital transfer printing, I am unhidered by such limitations. So anyway, both avenues have their pros and cons, and sort of balance out in the end, but I need to be able to bring product to display at conventions while still having a relatively hassle-free online store. Printfection allows me to post any design I want on many varieties of shirts in various colors, and I don't have to order 100 shirts at a time from a screenprinter, but I make less per shirt.

Anyway, I'll post pics of the screenprinted job as soon as it arrives. Meanwhile, head over to my online store and order some stuff!

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