I finished coloring this design a while ago, yet somehow neglected to post it here. Ah, well. The design is based on Robert Crumb's famous "KEEP ON TRUCKIN'" design, and is now available at my CafePress shop on a multitude of clothing, button and miscellaneous other items (you know your dog wants a Wanglin' shirt).
If you like ridiculous pink squids that seem to be stuck in some sort of 70's timewarp, then follow the link and buy yourself a shirt or two!
Merchandise includes, shirts (sleevy and not-so-sleevy), sweatshirts, hoodies, buttons, apron, thong, boxers, mousepad, onesie, bib, dog-shirt, tote bag, messenger bag, mugs, steins, coaster and throw pillow. I know... it's shameful.
Wow. Nice design. I love the "legs".
Love this illustration, probably because I had a Colossal Squid tattooed on me last summer. I like your illustration style, it's fresh and entertaining.
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