Sunday, April 15, 2007

"It's okay... he's a BAD GUY!"

At last, my most offensive character ever finally gets his moment in the spotlight! BLACKFACE HITLER (and the RED DWARF)!! This is the guy who rendered my Illustration instructor speechless when the prelim drawing was unveiled. I thought his eyes were going to bug out of his skull as he just sat there repeating, "Oh. My. God." I was a bit hesitant about posting this guy on here for fear that the snap-judgmentalists and knee-jerk reactionaries out there would immediately assume I'm some whacked-out closet racist/ nazi, but it's just not so, and I'm going to give anybody who has wandered onto my humble blog the benefit of the doubt. And, hey -- who makes better villains than Nazis and racists? Lemme 'splain...

I needed some more skeevy characters to populate the ranks of H.E.R.P.E.S. (see previous post) for my COLLIDE-O-SCOPE concept. I had already created a couple of loathsome and disgusting characters in ERGOPHOBOS and DOCTOR HEDONISM, but no one truly vulgar and shocking. I decided to brainstorm and toss every offensive/ controversial idea I could into my Create-O-Bucket (where all my ideas are born), shake 'em up and mold them together into one attention-grabbing eyesore of a concept. So you've got Hitler, bald-faced throwback racism, cross-dressing, false sainthood, self-induced stigmata, communism, and a mostly-naked dwarf on a leash! What more could you possibly ask of me?! Truly this guy is worthy of the label "bad guy", no? But...

I had to come up with a reason why this guy would dress/ appear like this as his normal modus operandi -- why would anyone go out of their way to chisel so many offensive facets into their persona? Just 'cuz they're a "bad guy"? No, that won't work. Then it came to me -- he's a performance artist, you see. But not just any old performance artist -- this guy is [b]heavy[/b] into Art with a capital A, and believes that true Art must be offensive and shocking. If it doesn't offend at least two demographics, then it's not Art, and he sees the world as his canvas. RED DWARF is his silent companion, a dwarf whom he surgically altered to look like Vladymir Lenin (as he himself underwent surgery to look like Adolf Hitler). RED DWARF is always by BH's side, unless he is "unleashed" to strike out at his enemies with his deadly skills of cutlery brandishing and throwing.

So, there you go. Next, I'll have to post some cute li'l puppies playing with a snail or something equally syrupy to make up for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one my be difficult to get into the happy meal. I`m scared,lol