This one's actually called "PUPPET BRAWLER", and it's another design commissioned by my fine friend Kino for the fat-tastic J!NX, whom I've worked with before on the FETCH FLESH shirt design, as well as the top-secret project that I still don't know if I'm allowed to talk about. The concept was, as you can see, to combine Capcom's well-awesome fighting game series STREET FIGHTER with Children's Television Workshop's well-educational long-running muppet-based show SESAME STREET. I love Capcom's games, and anything involving Muppetry is right up my smokestack, so I tackled this project with glee and enthusiasm.
This design has been done for a while now, and I had been working on it for a long time. I had hoped to get it done before starting the grueling training process at my new warehouse job (which took 5 weeks!), but it was not meant to be, and I didn't have much free time during the training to work on it, so it was slow going. By the time I did get it finished, the guys at J!NX were hip-deep in producing, releasing and promoting their new Summer line of IDentity clothing that it took a while to get this shirt produced. It's finally here, though, albeit in a slightly different color setup than I had originally created. Something went all bones with the gradients, which were jettisoned, and some of the colors were swapped around, but it still looks pretty good. I'm not as happy with the design as I want to be, though. Maybe it has to do with going through some screwy personal trials at the same time I was starting the new job and trying to get this thing nailed down, but I'm gonna stand by it and just try to do better next time.
There's an option to pursue other designs along this avenue with various other Sesame Street character whipping the stuffing out of each other, (and I've already got some sketches ready to go) so we'll see what evolves from that.
If you like the shirt, hop on over to J!NX and buy one or two!
Pencil composite drawing

Composite inks

Back logo pencils and inks

Rejected logo concept

This early layout sketch was deemed to have too extreme a perspective. I kind of prefer it to the final, though.

hil air ee ous!!!
Dude this is great! Cookie monster had it coming!
thats a bad ass shirt! me wantie!
I want one! Can you save one for me? Large? I'll just send you cash. This is one of your best so far... and your typography is improving too! dude, you got skilz.
Seriously, will you save me one?
Robin, I can't save you any because I don't have any. They're for sale at Jinx -- didn't you read the post? ;)
Dude! I must also throw the same adulation your way. Came over to check out your stuff, and I feel like how Cookie Monster looks. Knocked out! Great work man! Frikken LOVE the Sesame Street Fighter art! Gotsta own a shirt. (prints?) That Chaka/Sleestack is badass as well. Did you see the Chaka painting I did? I think we're channeling the same art gods.
Thanks so much for dropping by to comment! You know I love your work and your style, and I've been following your blog for quite a while now. I recall the Sleestack image you did, but I can't recall the Cha-ka piece. I'll have to dig back through your blog and find it. I definitely think we are tuned into the same pop-frequencies. Thanks again, and keep on truckin'!
Hey Jared, always enjoy your updates. How've you been?
sucha a great idea and art of course
I'm now going to intimidate people by telling them I'll "punch out their cookies" and see how they respond.
SaraRaid, a 30-year-old graphics designer based in Utah, sent over his awesome mash-ups of Street Fighter and Sesame Street, cleverly dubbed Sesame Street Fighter. Burt and Ernie get madeover to look like Ryu and Ken. We do side by side comparisons of the original characters and the 'sesame-d' ones below.
This Street Fighter bit is unbelievably stunning. Is there any chance of getting a print of this?
Matthew, you'd have to talk to the fine folks at J!NX about a print of this -- they own the image now, after all.
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