Well, those of you sick to death of hearing about ZOMBAMA nonsense may as well tune out now. I'm heading down to Sunny Sarasota Florida later this week to help out with the second print run of my ZOMBAMA: BRAINS! shirts. About half of the planned run has already been claimed and paid for, so if you want to ensure yourself one of these puppies, contact me asap and I'll send you a paypal invoice and ship it to you immediately upon my return with the booty!
There are several other factors contributing to my trip down there. First and foremost is a driving need to just get the heck out of town for a few days and leave my troubles behind. I won't elaborate on that, but I need desperately to get my mind off "things" here, and this trip should do the trick. I need to learn more about the screenprinting procees itself, and actually participate in it, because it's obviously something I'm very interested in, and I feel I should know as much as possible about it considering shirt design seems to be the avenue I've been guided down lately.
It's also a bit of providence that the Ringling School of Art and Design Senior Illustration Thesis Show will be held this coming Friday while I'm in town. I wanted to go down last year to see the show, which is always very interesting and bursting with promising talent, but I wasn't able to. So, I'm looking forward to taking in the show and meeting some of the talented students (and perhaps old instructors) at my alma mater. If any of the old Ringling crew who are reading this are going to be there as well, send me a note and let me know and I'll keep an eye out for you, and we can meet up and tell tales together.
I'm including a picture of me wearing one of the TeeFury print run of the Zombama shirt. We're going to reproduce this size, style and color as accurately as possible, so that should give you a good idea of what the finished product will look like.
Cool let us now when and where to purchase. putting it on my blog right now
telling tales of art over beer and such? I'm in! I'll see you at the show my friend.
FOR SURE!!! Count me in on one of these bad boys!!!! Email me at artist53an@yahoo.com
Also, I JUST recieved the shirt you made for Jinx, ...it look a nice!! I'll be sure to post a rediculas picture of me in it soon.
Make sure you're wearing pants this time when you send the picture. There are kids around.
I just love this shirt! Is there any discount if I order a bunch of them? Please email me at wixona13 attt gmail.com. thanks!
I am very interested in purchasing one, not sure how else to get ahold of you. But please e-mail me at mattvitale@gmail.com!
hey, i would really like one of these shirts!
my email is violetterae@mac.com
yeah, I might be down for two (maltizer@cfl.rr.com)
Hey Man
I'm dying to get a hold of this shirt!!!!
I hope this is the way to get a hold of you
TOTALLY want one... kirstenlhamilton at comcast . net
One of these would complete my life!!!
My addy is EFranck1958@gmail.com
Hi Jared, I really like your work and hope that this interests you and your readers.
I am attempting to amass a large collection of portraits of Frankenstein's Monster in as many different styles and in as many different media as possible as an ongoing art project. The only stipulation is that the size is 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (standard artist trading card size) and that each card has name, date, location, title and anything else you care to add on the back.
I welcome cards from both amateur and professional artists.
I will be leaving blank cards with instructions and mailing address in galleries, colleges, art shops, on buses, handing them out in the street and wherever else I can think of.
If you think you can spare the time to produce a little something, please send a portrait to:
A Patchwork Of Flesh
45 Silversea Drive
Westcliff on Sea
United Kingdom
Each card I receive will be uploaded at http://apatchworkofflesh.blogspot.com/ to produce an on-line gallery, I then hope to put on an exhibition of these cards in a gallery.
I'd love to get one if still available?! you can email me at lkweyandt@gmail.com. Thanks man!!
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