No artwork to share just yet, so I thought I'd share a funny story. While eating dinner tonight, my precious, darling 7 year-old daughter seemed to be having trouble eating part of her dinner. It wasn't anything particularly kid-unfriendly (it was chicken) so I asked her why she wasn't eating it.
"It's disgusting!", she responded.
I told her that with her relatively sheltered and pampered life (compared to those standard parental fallback "kids-in-less-fortunate-countries"), she really didn't know what "disgusting" really was. I told her I could cook her something truly disgusting tomorrow night, so she'd have some standard of comparison and perhaps learn to not complain so much.
"What are you gonna make me eat, Hobo Snot?" she shot back.
I found that endlessly funny, not just because of the way it sounds, but because I find it adorably perplexing that a girl of seven would immediately think of something so bizarre, and yes, disgusting as "hobo snot". She's definitely her daddy's girl. Hobo Snot would make a great band name, doncha think? There's a future illustration in there somewhere...
My friends and I for a long time now have actually held something similar as our barometer for "detestable". Example; "Would you rather swim through curdled, rotten milk or massage a Hobo Foot on a hot day?
I believe your daughter is going to grow up a force to be reckoned with.
so.... what are you going to fix her?
That's hilarious, yeah totally your daughter!
The most amazing part of the story: How does a seven-year-old kid have the word "hobo" in her vocabulary? Does she ask to go to "saloons" to order "phosphates"?
I guess she inherited a curiosity about hobos from me. One day I picked her up from school and she started using the word hobo -- I think she called me a hobo because I wouldn't stop at the gas station to buy her a soda. I asked her where she heard that word and if she knew what it meant. She couldn't remember where she heard it, and she didn't know what a hobo was. Once I filled her in on the wonderful world of hobos (also the name of a failed late-70's family variety tv show), her obsession with them only seemed to intensify.
She's crazy, what can I say.
Oh, and the other guesses she provided, in addition to "hobo snot", were "cat vomit", "used tissues" and "dirty bathwater". Delicious.
She is an amazing child that gets her personality and creativity from her father. They certainly keep me on my toes!
- The wife and mother of this crazy duo!
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