Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I've been back from my spectacular and mind-blowing adventure to the San Diego Comic Con for a week or so now, but I haven't had time to catch my breath or post my thoughts here because I'm getting ready to move back to North Carolina in 2 days!! It was a rather sudden thing that was thrust upon us and the reasoning revolves around my wifes job, but we REALLY needed to get out of this tiny duplex and spread out a bit. As an artist, art enthusiast, toy collector and all-around pop-culture junkie, I've accumulated a lot of stuff over the years and it all becomes a real bitch to store and/or display. I would have gotten rid of a bunch of it, but there simply wasn't time for the usual yard sale/ ebay bonanza. I'll end up selling some stuff once we get settled in and unpacked, and I threw a lot of junk out (the garbage collectors are going to hate me in the morning), but the rest has been packed up in boxes and will be hoofed up to Raleigh, NC early Friday morn. The biggest hassle has been my massive comics/ graphic novel collection and the library of reference and art books I've accumulated. Toys aren't that heavy to move, but boxes and boxes of books can be a real back-breaker. I'll definitely be sore by Saturday, and I can already hear my lower back and knees beginning their protests,

Anyway, I'll be incommunicado for several days during the move and unpacking process if you're trying to contact me, and I should be back on the horse and ready to ride in about a week or so. Until then, it's movin' time!!

1 comment:

Emily Dove said...

Whoa Jared! Good luck in North Carolina! I hope people recognize you as the magnificent artist you are in NC, and you'll be able to do awesome things while you are there.
Is the Baltimore con still in your schedule?